Dongzhu Pottery Studio
Dongzhu Pottery Studio is filled with wet clay and potting wheels, a place where people can discover all the challenges and the magic of ceramics. It offers a series of classes that are open to people with no ceramics experience and it’s a place where passionate artists can develop their craft.
Click here for a full story about the studio!
2022 Summer Classes:
This course is a great refresher for prior ceramics knowledge, individual instruction will accommodate all skill levels from beginner to moderate potters.
Classes will consist of five consecutive evening sessions.
Class 1: Intro to studio – focus on centering and making of bowls (5) Class 2: Trim bowls – open studio (practice, practice, practice) Class 3: Focus on making cups (5) Class 4: Trim cups and glaze bowls Class 5: Glaze cups and open studio